How do you convert 0.3712 to a fraction?
Since there are four digits to the right of the decimal, your denominator on the fraction will be 10,000. Your numerator will be 3712. Therefore, your fraction is, 3712/10,000.
As 037 it is an ordinary number , with a trivial prefix zero. It reads 037 = 37. You need to indicate the position of the decimak point.
12/24 of a day.
1.2 = 12/10 or 6/5 in fraction
12% as a fraction = 12/100 = 3/25 in its simplest form 12% as a decimal = 0.12
As 037 it is an ordinary number , with a trivial prefix zero. It reads 037 = 37. You need to indicate the position of the decimak point.
12/24 of a day.
1.2 = 12/10 or 6/5 in fraction
12% as a fraction = 12/100 = 3/25 in its simplest form 12% as a decimal = 0.12
0.37 = 37/100 (thirty-seven hundredths)This fraction cannot be simplified further.
To turn 12 percent in to a fraction you just put 12 over hundred. So it would be 12 over hundred.
3 12/25 i think
The conversion fraction is 1/12.
To convert a percent to a fraction, divide the percent by 100.So for 240% becomes 240/100Then simplify the fraction, giving you:12/5
Fraction of what? 46 in = 3 ft 10 inches (12 inches in a foot)