To convert a percent to a decimal, divide by 100. 31% = 0.31 = 31/100
To convert decimals to percents, multiply by 100. .99*100= 99%.
All decimals can be converted to percent by multiplying them by 100: 2.2 x 100 = 220%
Because 100% is equal to 1, to get from percentage to decimal you divide by 100. So 6.05% is 0.0605 in decimals.
It is: 5/6 times 100 = 83.33% recurring decimals
To convert a percent to a decimal, divide by 100. 31% = 0.31 = 31/100
To convert decimals to percents, multiply by 100. .99*100= 99%.
To convert from a percent to a decimal you divide the percentage by 100So....23.6 (percent) / 100 =0.236
All decimals can be converted to percent by multiplying them by 100: 2.2 x 100 = 220%
Because 100% is equal to 1, to get from percentage to decimal you divide by 100. So 6.05% is 0.0605 in decimals.
To convert 444% to a decimal divide by 100:444% ÷ 100 = 4.44
To convert 17.4% to a decimal divide by 100: 17.4% ÷ 100 = 0.174
To convert 838% to decimal divide by 100: 838% ÷ 100 = 8.38
0.023 = 2.3% Simply move the decimal to the right twice and attach the percent sign when you convert decimals to percents.
This already is decimals. No need to convert anything.This already is decimals. No need to convert anything.This already is decimals. No need to convert anything.This already is decimals. No need to convert anything.
35% = 0.35 = 7/20 in its lowest terms
It is: 5/6 times 100 = 83.33% recurring decimals