psi x 6,895 equals newtons per square meter (N/m2)
Multiply by 144, since there are 144 square inches in a square foot (12x12).
It is difficult if not impossible to convert pounds to square feet. The units pounds are used to measure mass and square feet measures area. If you were looking at something like floor tile, which weighs "X" per square foot, it may be possible to calculate and find an answer. As it is, though, we're stuck.
You cannot do that since cubic yard is volume and square foot is area. You need to know the thickness
psi x 6,895 equals newtons per square meter (N/m2)
Pounds per square foot x 0.006944 equals psi
You cannot convert "Newton meters" to psi. psi is a pressure and "newton per square meter" is also a pressure that is called pascal (Pa). Here is a fine pressure converter: Scroll down to related links and look at "Conversion of pressure or stress units".
To convert pounds per square feet to pounds per square inch, you need to divide by 144 since there are 144 square inches in a square foot. In this case, 32 pounds per square foot would be equal to 0.222 pounds per square inch.
You cannot convert bearing weight or pressure to a linear distance.A gram is equal to 0.0022 pounds. For these purposes, a kilogram (1000 g) is often more usable(1 kg = 2.2 pounds)A square meter is equal to about 1.196 square yards. A square yard is 0.836 square meters.- To convert GRAMS PER SQUARE METER to GRAMS PER SQUARE YARDmultiply by 0.836- To convert GRAMS PER SQUARE METER to POUNDS PER SQUARE YARDmultiply by 0.001843- To convert KILOGRAMS PER SQUARE METER to POUNDS PER SQUARE YARDmultiply by 1.843
Multiply by 144, since there are 144 square inches in a square foot (12x12).
Miles per hour (mph) is a unit of speed, while pounds per square foot (psf) is a unit of pressure. The two units measure different physical quantities and cannot be directly converted from one to the other.
23,000 pounds per square inch equals 16170000kg per square meter.
stress is force divided by area. If you have a force of 10 acting over area 1 stress is 10 ; if area is 2 stress is 5, etc. Force has units of pounds or newtons and stress is pounds per square inch or newtons per square meter
Inches of water x 0.03613 equals pounds per square inch (psi).
You cannot convert gallons per minute to pounds per square inch. The quantities do not have the same meaning. Gallons are a measure of volume, and pounds are a measure of weight. Minutes are a measure of time, and square inches are a measure of area.