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A linear foot is a unit of distance. A square foot is a unit of area. The two units are therefore incompatible.

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Q: How do you convert 10 linear feet into square feet?
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Does a diameter of 10 ft equal 10 square feet?

No. A diameter is a length, which may be measured in feet. Square feet are used to measure areas. You cannot convert directly from linear measures to square measures.

How do you Convert 216 linear feet to square feet?

you don't. that's like asking how many dollars are in 10 feet. the units "linear feet" and "square feet" represent two totally different types of quantities. if you have a rectangle made up of 216 linear feet, the area (in square feet) could be practically anything. If the sides are 50 and 58, the perimeter is 216 linear feet and the area is 2,900 square feet. But if the sides are 10 and 98 feet, the perimeter is still 216 linear feet, while the area is now 980 square feet.

How do you convert square footage to linear footage?

Divide the square footage by the width in feet. Example: 20 sq. ft roll of material is made up of 10 linear feet by 2 feet in width. 20 square feet divided by 2 feet wide equals 10 linear feet and 2 feet wide. For linear feet ask yourself how long is it. 100 sq. ft. 1 foot wide would be 100 linear feet long.

How many square feet are in 10 feet?

How many square feet are in 10 feet?

How do you covert 100 feet into linear feet?

100 Feet IS 100 Linear Feet. If you wanted to know how many linear feet would give you 100 square feet, you would take the square root of 100, which is 10... SO a 10 x 10 linear foot area would be 100 square feet, and a 100 x 100 Linear foot area would be 10,000 square feet.

How do you convert square feet into linear feet?

Divide it by the width in feet. For example, if a red carpet has an area of 9000 square feet, and its width is 10 feet, so its length is 9000/10 900 linear feet. If you mean how do you convert square feet into linear square feet, just change the units. Let's take an example.If you have a 10' x 10' room, it is 10' x 10' 100 square feet. If you change the units from square feet into linear squarefeet, you'll have 100 linear square feet. That means if you are tiling the room with 1' x 1' tiles, you'd need 100 of them, and if you laid the tiles out end to end, you'd have 100 linear square feet.Aside from this thinking, you cannot convert area to linear measure without a "standard" or an "assumption" or "understanding" about it. Like with lumber, a board foot is a board 1" thick and 1' wide and 1' long, or 1 square foot in area. (Set aside thickness for this explanation.) A board 6" wide and 2' long is 1 board foot of lumber. Anyway, the assumption there is that the board is 1' in width. Again, we see some "standard" inserted to the quoted measurement so that what might appear to be a linear measure is actually something else. And that something else is a areameasure, with an understood width associated with it.

Convert 10 feet by 35 feet to square feet?

10 x 35 = 350 square feet.

What is the Difference between linear foot and square foot?

A linear foot is distance. A square foot is area. One square foot is the area of some square tiles used on floors. Ten square feet is 1 foot x 10 feet or 2 feet x 5 feet. Don't confuse this with a 10 foot square which is 10 feet by 10 feet which equals 100 square feet.

How do I convert 120 linear inches into linear feet?

Divide by 12. There are 12 inches in one foot. 120/12 = 10 feet

Convert 10 feet by 11 feet into square metres?

The volume 10 feet times 11 feet are 110 square feet. 110 square feet are 10.219334 square meters.

How many linear feet are in one side of 10 acres if square?

660 feet.

What is the linear feet for 1250 square feet?

i have a 1250 square foot deck and need to figure out how many linear feet of decking material I need. the boards are 6 X 10