To convert the decimal 0.927 to thousandths, you multiply by 1000. So, 0.927 x 1000 = 927. Therefore, there are 927 thousandths in 0.927.
The 2 number 9 is tenths 5 is hundredths 2 is thousandths
2 . tenths hundredths thousandths
0.0002 tenths, hundredths , thousandths and ten thousandths. or, 2 X 10^-4
To convert the decimal 0.927 to thousandths, you multiply by 1000. So, 0.927 x 1000 = 927. Therefore, there are 927 thousandths in 0.927.
The 2 number 9 is tenths 5 is hundredths 2 is thousandths
two ten thousandths... (ones) . (tenths) (hundredths) (thousandths) (ten thousandths) ...
2 . tenths hundredths thousandths
0.682 6 tenths = 0.6 (or 0.600) 8 hundredths = 0.08 (or 0.080) 2 thousandths = 0.002 0.600 0.080 + 0.002 0.682
0.0002 tenths, hundredths , thousandths and ten thousandths. or, 2 X 10^-4
2 tenths of 60 is 12
2 units5 tens3 tenths5 hundredths1 thousandths
five thousandths 1 is units 2 is tenths 0 is hundredths 5 is thousandths
92.3% `Tenths``Hundredths`Thousandths `\/```````\/```````\/ 0.9```````2```````3
2 tenths is larger, because when it is written in the form of a ratio or fraction (example) as 2/10, which is greater than 2/1000. Also, if you look at the decimal (if it is one) the more zeroes a number has after the decimal, the smaller it is. 2 tenths : 0.2 2 thousandths : 0.002 (: hope this helped! Think of slices of PIEE :D