The term is written as:
After 3 zeroes, there is a decimal place. To convert 5000 into scientific notation, move 3 decimal places to the left and include the base 10 to ³ to get:
5.0 x 10³
This is how you do the conversion of the scientific notation.
It is 8.9*10^-5 in scientific notation
It is: 3.32*10^-3 in scientific notation
It is: 1.95*10^14 in scientific notation
It is: 3.9*10^7 in scientific notation
150,000,000 in Scientific Notation = 1.5 x 108
It is 8.9*10^-5 in scientific notation
It is: 3.32*10^-3 in scientific notation
It is: 1.95*10^14 in scientific notation
1,000,000 in Scientific Notation = 1 x 106
9.16 in Scientific Notation = 9.16 x 100
It is: 3.9*10^7 in scientific notation
150,000,000 in Scientific Notation = 1.5 x 108
1,550 in Scientific Notation = 1.55 x 103
1,000,000 in Scientific Notation = 1 x 106
251,000,000 in Scientific Notation = 2.51 x 108
It is not possible to convert a number with 2 decimal points into scientific notation.