To get to metres divide by 100
1 metre = 100 cm
5 metres = 500 cm
500 cm = 500/100 metres = 5 metres
It is: 500cm
This question isn't well phrased. I'll say though that thiss will help. 40cm is 0.4m, 5m is 500cm
1km=1000m 1m =100cm 1cm=10mm Since 1m=100cm, you need to divide 500cm by 100 to get the correct answer. example: 500cm=_____m =( 500 / 100 )m =5m Note: / means divide
It is: 500cm
1m=100cm 500cm is bigger
10cm=1m,so 500cm=50m
It is 500cm because 45dm = 450cm
This question isn't well phrased. I'll say though that thiss will help. 40cm is 0.4m, 5m is 500cm
34m is equivalent to 34000cm so 500cm is smaller than 34000cm
To compare two numbers we first need to make sure that they have the same units. In this case we will need to convert 5m into cm. There are 100cm in a m, so to convert we simply multiply the number by 100: 5m=500cm. Thus the original question asks "which is bigger 450cm or 500cm" and it should be obvious that the latter value is greater. Therefore, the answer is that 5m is the greater value.
It is 5000000000
1km=1000m 1m =100cm 1cm=10mm Since 1m=100cm, you need to divide 500cm by 100 to get the correct answer. example: 500cm=_____m =( 500 / 100 )m =5m Note: / means divide