To convert 9.7 to a fraction, first recognize that 9.7 can be written as 9 + 0.7. The whole number part, 9, remains the same and the decimal part, 0.7, is converted to a fraction by dividing the decimal by 1. In this case, 0.7 divided by 1 is 7/10. Therefore, 9.7 can be written as the fraction 9 7/10.
97 as a fraction is 97/1.
97% as a fraction is 97/100
The fraction is 97/120.
97% = 97/100 so in fraction it is 97/100 and is also in its lowest form
97% = 97⁄100
How to convert 14.75 to a fraction
How do u convert .500 to a fraction
Convert 5.75 to a fraction