You divide 757 by 5, getting 151 and 2/5.
To convert 89/6 to a mixed number, divide the numerator (89) by the denominator (6). This gives you 14 with a remainder of 5. So, the mixed number is 14 5/6.
15 over 5 as a mixed number = 3 which is a whole number and not a mixed number
i dont think 7 over 5 can b simplified but if u convert it 2 a mixed number it is 1 and 2 over 5
The mixed number of 18 over 5 is 33/5
8 and 3/5
You divide 757 by 5, getting 151 and 2/5.
Allow 6 to go into 35 evenly, then figure out the remainder. For example, 6*5 = 30 and then there is 5 left over so the mixed number is 5 and 5/6
To convert 89/6 to a mixed number, divide the numerator (89) by the denominator (6). This gives you 14 with a remainder of 5. So, the mixed number is 14 5/6.
15 over 5 as a mixed number = 3 which is a whole number and not a mixed number
i dont think 7 over 5 can b simplified but if u convert it 2 a mixed number it is 1 and 2 over 5
12 over 5 in a mixed number = 22/5
324 over 5 as a mixed number is 644/5
42 over 5 as a mixed number = 82/5
The mixed number of 18 over 5 is 33/5
36 over 5 as a mixed number = 71/5
29 over 5 as a mixed number = 54/5