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KWH (kilowatt-hours) is an energy (Power in KW x time in Hours if steady power, or otherwise the integral of power with respect to time). KW per minute means a rate of increasing power, and the fact that it is inside a cubic metre doesn't alter the fact that there is no equivalence, and cannot be related.

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Q: How do you convert KWH to KW per cubic meter per minute?
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What is 13000m3 in kwh?

To convert cubic meters (m3) to kilowatt hours (kWh), you need to know the energy density of the substance you are referring to. One cannot directly convert cubic meters to kilowatt hours without this information.

Convert kWh into metric cubic meters?

Converting kilowatt-hours (kWh) to cubic meters depends on the specific energy source being used. For natural gas, 1 kWh is approximately equal to 0.11 cubic meters. For liquid propane (LPG), 1 kWh is roughly equivalent to 0.07 cubic meters. It's important to consult the specific energy content and conversion factors for the particular fuel type to ensure accurate conversions.

How many kWh in a cubic meter of water?

kWh stands for kiloWatthours, the amount of electrical energy an appliance uses or generates in one hour measured in kiloWatts. It has nothing to do with one cubic metre of water.

How many kW energy is in 1 liter gasoline?

In the US Natural Gas output is measured in cubic feet, First you must convert feet to meters: 3.28084 fpm, then we must determine cubic feet per cubic meter, 3.28084 X 3.28084 X 3.28084 = 21.528 cubic ft in a cubic meter and since there are 1000 btu in a cubic foot of Natural Gas 21.528 x 1000 btu = 21,528 btu/cmtr. Then you must convert kWh to btu. 1kWh=3413 btu, so 21528 btu divided by 3413 btu = 6.307 kWh in a cubic meter of NG: so 1 cubic meter divided by 6.307= 0.1585 cubic meters of NG = 1 kWh. Of course these are output ratings not input. So depending on the efficiency rating of the NG furnace being used one would need to add the heat that is lost up the chimney or the inefficiency rating for an accurate answer. For example with an 80% efficient gas furnace one would need to add 20% or 0.032 to the 0.1585 cubic meter value we got earlier to allow for waste and the answer is actually 0.1905 cubic meters total input of NG needed per kWh produced. I hope this is right... End -H2045

Convert natural gas mcf's to kwh?

One thousand cubic feet of gas (Mcf) -> 1.027 million BTU = 1.083 billion J = 301 kWh by Lyon

Convert joules to kwh?

To convert Joules to kilowatt-hours (kWh), divide the number of Joules by 3,600,000 (the number of Joules in a kWh). For example, to convert 1,000,000 Joules to kWh, you would divide 1,000,000 by 3,600,000 to get approximately 0.278 kWh.

How do you convert amperes into kwh?


How much power is used by a 35w bulb with 12v supply vs 110v supply?

it also depends on what meter you have, is it a KWH METER or a AH METER. IF ITS A KWH METER(KILO WATT HOUR) IT COUNTS IN WATTS (35w PER HOUR.)

How do you convert dollars per kWh to dollar per Btu?

Divide the dollars per kWh by 3,412.14163

How many watts is 1209 KWh?

To convert kilowatt-hours (kWh) to watts, you need to multiply by 1000. So, 1209 kWh is equal to 1209,000 watts.

Can a power surge cause an dramatic increase in the KWH reading of a digital meter?

A power surge is unlikely to cause a significant increase in the kWh reading of a digital meter because the meter measures the amount of electricity consumed over time, not the voltage of the electrical supply. Power surges can cause damage to electronic devices but typically won't directly impact the kWh reading on a meter.

What to read from electricity meter i have following readings 1. Positive active energy A plus total kWh 2. Negative active energy A- total kWh 3. Absolute active energy A total kWh?

Electricity Meter. I've never heard that term. The other terms are also foreign to me and I have been using measuring equipment for over 40 years. I have never seen a meter that will actually show kWh. An electrical USE meter (like what is on your home) shows kWh used. More explanation in the question would help.