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You can't, as they are used to measure two different quantities. The newton metre is used to measure torque, and the newton per square metre (which is actually called a pascal) is used to measure pressure.

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Q: How do you convert Newton Meter to newton per square meter?
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What is the formula to convert bar to newton?

1 bar = 100,000 newton/square meter See related links for conversion calculator.

1 newton meter square is equal to how many centimeter cube?

1 newton meter square is equal to 10^4 centimeter cube.

How many bars is equal to a newton per meter square?

A newton per square meter is called a pascal. It is the same as 1/100,000 bar.

How many c-newton meters in a newton meter?

There is no unit called "c-newton meter." If you meant "centinewton meter," then there are 0.01 centinewton meters in a newton meter.

What is the force of one newton exerted over an area of one square meter is?

The force of one newton exerted over an area of one square meter is equivalent to one pascal. Pascal is the unit of pressure and is defined as one newton of force applied over an area of one square meter.

How do you convert newton meter to kg?

haven't seen the answer yet???

How many newton second per meter square in 1 poise?

1 poise = 0.1 newton second per meter squared

How do you convert newton to newton meter?

The Newton cannot be converted into meters; they don't measure the same thing. Newtons measure force or weight. The Newton is however a derived unit; a kgm/s>2.

When was the newton meter invented?

The exact date of the Newton Meter is unknown, but it was in the mid 1600's. Sir Isaac Newton was the founder of the Newton Meter.

What is kilopasl in pressure sense?

1 Pascal of pressure = 1 newton of force on 1 square meter of area1 kilopascal = 1,000 newtons of force on 1 square meter, or 1 newton of force on 0.001 square meter, etc.

A pascal is a newton per?

square meter. It is the SI unit of pressure, defined as one newton per square meter. It is named after the French mathematician and physicist Blaise Pascal.

How can you convert newton meters to ft-lbs?

Just multiply. 1 Newton meter = 0.737562149 foot pounds. So number of foot pounds = number of Newton meters * .737562149