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Square Cm is a unit of Area. Cubic Cm is a unit of volume. You can't change areas into volumes, just as you can't change weight into length. They are different types of measurement. . If you know the size of an area, and if, and only if, that area has a thickness that you can measure, then you can calculate the volume. But, you do not 'convert' it to a volume, you calculate it's volume . To calculate volume you need 3 measurements, length, width, height. To calculate area you need only 2 measurements , length ,and width.

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Q: How do you convert Square centimeter to Cubic centimeter?
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How 2 convert centimeter to cubic meter?

A unit of length (the centimeter) does not convert to a unit of volume (the cubic meter). Length is not volume.

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How do you convert square meter to cubic centimeter?

To convert square meters to cubic centimeters, you need to have the height or depth of the space in meters. Once you have the height in meters, you can multiply the square meters by 1,000,000 to convert to square centimeters and then multiply by the height in centimeters to get the volume in cubic centimeters.

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Cubic cm x 0.00003531467 = cubic feet

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There is no such thing as a mirco cubic centimetre.

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Convert 25ml to cubic centimeters?

The milliliter and the cubic centimeter are equal volumes.

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Divide by 1000. Since a 10 millimeters = 1 centimeter, 1 cubic centimeter = 1000 cubic millimeters.

True or false a cubic centimeter is the space taken by a square whose sides are 1 centimeter long?

False. A cubic centimeter is the volume of a cube with sides that are each 1 centimeter long, not a square.

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What does 100 cubic centimeters convert to in mL?

The milliliter and the cubic centimeter are equal volumes.