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This is from a TI-84:

Once you have the decimal on your screen, click MATH (on the left side of calculator). Then click 1-FRAC and hit enter one more time. That will give you the fraction.

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Q: How do you convert a decimal to a fraction on your calculator?
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How do you convert a fraction into a decimal fraction using calculator?

If I understand this right, you want to know how to convert a fraction into a decimal with the aid of a calculator. This is usually done by pressing the fraction button on your calculator which changes it from a fraction to a decimal and vice versa.

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To convert a fraction to a decimal, you divide the numerator by the denominator - on a calculator, or using long division.

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A calculator is faster.

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All remainders on a calculator will appear as a decimal. Some TI scientific calculators can convert the answer into a fraction.

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The answer depends on the calculator. Some calculators have a button that allows you to toggle between various forms.

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To convert any fraction to a decimal, just divide the numerator by the denominator, in any calculator. In this case, you need to divide 12 / 16.

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Convert the top (numerator) to decimal, and then convert the denominator to decimal. Octal fraction 15/26 is decimal (8+5) divided by decimal (16+6) = 13/22 decimal.

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To convert a fraction to a decimal divide the numerator (top number) by the denominator (bottom number). To convert a decimal (or fraction) to a percentage multiply it by 100 %.

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If you mean the fraction 2/47, just divide 2 by 47, either with a calculator or on paper.

What is 17 over 9 as a decimal?

You can convert a fraction to a decimal by dividing on a calculator - in this case, 9 / 17.