

Best Answer

You need to convert

  • grams in the numerator to kilograms so divide the numerator by 1,000.
  • cm3 in the denominator to metre3. So divide the denominator by 1,000,000.

Result: multiply density by 1,000.

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Q: How do you convert a density of a substance in cgs system to si?
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How do you convert density of water in CGS unit to SI unit?

To convert the density of water from CGS (g/cm^3) to SI (kg/m^3), you can use the conversion factor 1 g/cm^3 = 1000 kg/m^3. Simply multiply the density in CGS units by 1000 to get the density in SI units.

What unit is density unit?

The SI unit for density is kg/m3In the CGS system, it is g/cci have no idea:P

What is the unit for amount of substance in cgs system?

If you mean the mass, that is the gram.If you mean the mass, that is the gram.If you mean the mass, that is the gram.If you mean the mass, that is the gram.

Can you mix up SI system and CGS system during solving of problems?

It is not recommended to mix up the SI system and CGS system during problem-solving as it can lead to incorrect results. It's important to choose one system of units and consistently use it throughout your calculations to ensure accuracy and avoid errors.

What is theRelative density of alcohol in cgs and si systems?

In the CGS system, the relative density of alcohol would be expressed as a dimensionless quantity. In the SI system, the relative density of alcohol is generally expressed in kg/m^3, which represents the ratio of the density of alcohol to the density of water at a specified temperature.

In cgs units the density of water?

In cgs units, the density of water is approximately 1 gram per cubic centimeter.

What is the mks and cgs units for density?

the mks unit is kg/m cube and the cgs unit is g/cm cube

CGS unit of density?

grams per cubic centimeter

What is the si unit and cgs unit of density?

The SI unit of density is kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m^3), while the CGS unit of density is grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm^3).

Why is the temperature 4'C mentioned in defining density of water in CGS system?

In the CGS system, the density of water is defined as 1 gram per cubic centimeter at 4°C because at this temperature, water is at its maximum density. This specific temperature was chosen as a reference point for defining the density of water in the CGS system.

How do you convert kilogram into CGS unit?

To convert kilograms (kg) to the CGS unit system, you would need to use the conversion factor 1 kg = 1000 grams and then convert from grams to CGS units. In the CGS system, 1 gram = 1000 milligrams = 100 centigrams = 10^6 micrograms. So, if you have a mass in kilograms, you would need to multiply by 10^6 to convert to centigrams in the CGS system.

What is the unit of energy in cgs system?

The unit of energy in the CGS system is the erg. It is a small unit of energy equal to 10^-7 joules.