Multiply the denominator and the whole number then add to the top number and put total over denominator (ex 2 1/4 = 9/4)
You convert the mixed numeral into an improper fraction. Now subtract the improper fraction from the whole number by putting the whole number over 1.
If you started with a banana, you may not.
A mixed numeral is a number that is a whole number and a fraction together.For example putting the number 5 with the fraction 1/2 gives the mixed number 51/2 (five and a half).
0.714285 does not convert to a mixed fraction, just a fraction. It is: 142857/200000
Mixed Numeral: 1 1/2Improper Fraction: 3/2
Mixed number or mixed numeral
You convert the mixed numeral into an improper fraction. Now subtract the improper fraction from the whole number by putting the whole number over 1.
The answer depends on what you wish to convert into a mixed fraction.
Convert the mixed fraction to an improper fraction, multiply by the whole number, convert the answer back to a mixed fraction (if required).
If you started with a banana, you may not.
A mixed numeral is a number that is a whole number and a fraction together.For example putting the number 5 with the fraction 1/2 gives the mixed number 51/2 (five and a half).
0.714285 does not convert to a mixed fraction, just a fraction. It is: 142857/200000
Convert the mixed number to an improper fraction and proceed.
Convert the mixed number to a fraction and invert numerator and denominator
Mixed Numeral: 1 1/2Improper Fraction: 3/2