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In simple Python code:

def convertToAngle(num):

while True:

if num < 0:

num = 360 - num

elif num > 360:

num -= 360



return num

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Q: How do you convert a number into a degree circle?
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How do you convert a degree into a number?

A degree is a unit of measure, it is not itself a number. It may be a measure of an angle or temperature or power. A degree cannot be converted to a number

How do you convert a percent into a degree?

Take the percentage and make it a decimal (100% = 1, 34% = .34, etc.) Take the decimal and multiply it by 360 The resulting number is the degrees of a circle. Hope this helps!

Why is the number 360 so important in a circle?

A degree is one measure of angles. There are 360 degrees in a circle and that gives 360 its importance in relation to a circle.

How do you convert degree to whole number?

It cannot be done.A university degree cannot be converted to a number. A degree can be a unit of measure of temperature or angle. In such cases a degree is a unit of measure - it is not a number. A degree can also be a measure of intensity: a second degree burn, or a third degree homicide. But again, the degree is a measurement unit, not a number in itself.

How do you convert degree to millimeter?

The two are not directly related, since degree is a measure of angles, and millimeters is a measre of length. For a circle arc, there is the relationship: (distance around the arc) = radius x angle However, you must first convert the angle to radians.

What is th degree symbol?

it is a big circle on the top right side corner of a number.

How do you convert area of circle if you know the circumference?

It depends on what you want to convert the area of the circle into.

How do you convert degrees to numbers?

It cannot be done.A university degree cannot be converted to a number. A degree can be a unit of measure of temperature or angle. In such cases a degree is a unit of measure - it is not a number. A degree can also be a measure of intensity: a second degree burn, or a third degree homicide. But again, the degree is a measurement unit, not a number in itself.

How do you convert radians into degree in c language?

You can multiply the number of radians by 180/pi.

Is a circle composed of degree?

Yes, a circle is in fact composed of a degree or angle.

What part of a circle does 1 degree represent?

A degree is 1/360 of a circle.