The conversion can only be accomplished by downloading a converter. There are several converters available for download. Many converters are free.
Refers to how much you pay for a unit of energy. When talking about natural gas, 1 unit = 1 CCF. When talking about electricity, 1 unit = 1 kiloWatt.
How do you convert fractions to what?
to convert means to change
18cm convert into mm
1.00 Ccf equals 2.8317 m3
To convert between BTU (British Thermal Units) and MMSCF (Million Standard Cubic Feet), you would need to know the heating value of the gas in BTU per standard cubic foot (SCF). Once you have that information, you can use the conversion factor of 1 MMSCF = 1,000,000 SCF to convert from BTU to MMSCF. Simply divide the total BTU by the heating value in BTU/SCF to get the volume in SCF, then divide by 1,000,000 to get the volume in MMSCF.
Therms Natural Gas to CCF Natural Gas multiply by 0.9756
To convert from MMBtu (Million British thermal units) to SM3 (Standard cubic meters), you need to know the heating value of the gas in question. Once you have the heating value, you can use it to convert MMBtu to MMSCF (Million Standard Cubic Feet) and then convert MMSCF to SM3 based on the standard conversion factor of 1 MMSCF = 28.32 SM3.
MMBTU is an acronym for "Million Metric British Thermal Units." The M's represent the Roman numeral for one thousand. One thousand thousands equal one million, thus MMBTU, not "Million Metric"
The conversion can only be accomplished by downloading a converter. There are several converters available for download. Many converters are free.
Converting CFH to CCF is hard, and there are several online converters to improve this operation. However, the general rule of thumb for conversion is: 1 Therms (u's) to Cubic Feet Of Natural Gas = 99.9761.
1 ccf is equal to 748 gallons, so 270 ccf would be equal to 202,200 gallons.
1 mcf = 10 ccf (mcf= 1000 cubic feet and ccf = 100 cubic feet)These are odd metric amalgams of the English units used for natural gas amounts. The mcf unit is used more often in production, and the ccf used for distribution and billing. Other similar terms are mmcf, bcf, and tcf (million, billion, and trillion cubic feet).
"CCF" means hundred cubic feet.
"CCF" means hundred cubic feet.
1488 ccf is 1,113,101.3 US gallons.