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Q: How do you convert centemiters to decimetrs?
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How many centemiters are in one meter?


What is the number of millimeters in 3 centemiters?

It is: 30mm = 3cm

How many millimeters are there in six and a half centemiters?

65 mm

How do you turn centemiters to milliliters?

By multiplying the number of centemeters by 10.

Howe many centemiters are there in a meter?

There is 100 cm in a whole metre.

How many mm in 10 centemiters?

There are 100 millimeters in 10 centimeters.

How many cubic centemiters are in one cubic inch?

1 inch3 = 16.387 cm3 (rounded)

What is the area of a circle with a radius of 3.2 centemiters?

Area = pi*r2Area = pi(3.2 centimeters)= 10 cm2======

How many centemiters 17 inches?

17 inches is 43.18 centimeters.

How old is cj in gta san Andreas?

CJs in his early 20s like 20 to 25 years old.

Half a meter is how many decimeters?

Five, since half a metre= 50 cm, and 1 dm= 10 cm, 5 dm= 50 cm= half a metre.

How long is 20979268 minutes?

That depends what you want to convert it to. Divide it by 60 to convert to hours. Divide the result by 24 to convert to days. Divide the result by 365 to convert to years.That depends what you want to convert it to. Divide it by 60 to convert to hours. Divide the result by 24 to convert to days. Divide the result by 365 to convert to years.That depends what you want to convert it to. Divide it by 60 to convert to hours. Divide the result by 24 to convert to days. Divide the result by 365 to convert to years.That depends what you want to convert it to. Divide it by 60 to convert to hours. Divide the result by 24 to convert to days. Divide the result by 365 to convert to years.