You can not CONVERT. Circumference is a measure of length and square inches is a measure of Area. However, if you know the circumference of a circle, you can FIND the area.
for example:
Circumference = pi x (2 x radius)
solve for the radius = C/2pi,
then Area = pi x r2 .
You can do the same 'type' of calculation for Polygons, BUT you must know the lengths of the individual sides, not just the total circumference.
To convert from square inches to square cm, multiply by 6.452.
You cannot convert square inches to inches. Square inches are units used to measure area and inches are units of length. You cannot convert one to the other.
The area of a circle with a circumference of 9.42 inches is: 7.061 square inches.
The area of a circle with a circumference of 9.42 inches is 7.061 square inches.
If the circumference of a circle is 44 inches, the area is: 154 square inches.
You divide the circumference by pi or 3.14.
To convert square inches to square mm, multiply square inches by 645.16
The area of a circle with a circumference of 56.52 inches is: 254.2 square inches.
The area of a circle with a circumference of 43 inches is 147.1 square inches.
The area of a circle with a circumference of 9.42 inches is: 7.061 square inches.
If the circumference of a circle is 44 inches, the area is: 154 square inches.
The area of a circle with a circumference of 9.42 inches is 7.061 square inches.
You cannot convert square inches to inches. Square inches are units used to measure area and inches are units of length. You cannot convert one to the other.
To convert from square inches to square cm, multiply by 6.452.
You cannot.
You can't convert that. You can convert feet to inches, or square feet to square inches.
Circumference = 28.2743339 inches. Area = 63.6172512 square inches.