Let's say 1=100%
Divide .25 by 1, then multiply the answer by 100.
You will get 25 which means .25 is 25% of 1
Sorry but I don't know how to explain further...
To convert decimals to percents, multiply by 100. .99*100= 99%.
To convert decimals into percents, mve the decimal place two places to the right.0.137 Ã 13.7%
move decimal 2 places to right to convert any decimal to a percent
Percentage expressed as a decimal. 24% = 0.24 TO change a decimal to a percentage .24 X 100 = 24%
Fractions and Percents.
Different representation are better for different purposes.
0.83 To convert percents to decimals just divide the percent by 100 and remove the percent sign (%). (The same is achieved by removing a percent sign (%) and moving the decimal point two places to the left: 83% => 83 => 8.3 => 0.83.)
Convert the repeating decimals into fractions, and then add those. If you need it as a decimal, then you can just convert the product back into a decimal!:)
Convert them to decimals and order them least to greatest.
Convert them all into equivalent fractions with the same denominator. Then compare the numerators. Or, convert them all into decimals.
Short answer, you don't. Decimals are parts of whole numbers.
Think of it this way. A dollar is 100%, it is also 1. It is also 1/1. A quarter is 25%, .25 and 25/100 or 1/4 I hope this helps some.
Convert them to decimals.
To convert 444% to a decimal divide by 100:444% ÷ 100 = 4.44
Percent is just hundredths i.e. 5% = 0.05 = 5/100 Move the decimal place two places to the left to convert a percent into a decimal and two places to the right to convert a number into a percent.
when you convert decimals to percentages you are moving the place value 2 over.So 0.0878 would be %8.78