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Q: How do you convert expression to binary tree?
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What is meant by the expression traversing by a binary tree?

you do anything with binary element that is traversing. insertion,deletion, accesing anything.............

What are the Application of tree and graph in data file structures?

Using binary tree, one can create expression trees. The leaves of the expression tree are operands such as constants, variable names and the other node contains the operator (binary operator). this particular tree seems to be binary because all the operators used are binary operators. it is also possible for a node to have one node also, in case when a unary minus operator is used. we can evaluate an expression tree by applying the operator at the root to the values obtained by recursively evaluating the left and right sub trees.

How many types of binary tree?

A binary tree is type of tree with finite number of elements and is divided into three main parts. the first part is called root of the tree and itself binary tree which exists towards left and right of the tree. There are a no. of binary trees and these are as follows : 1) rooted binary tree 2) full binary tree 3) perfect binary tree 4) complete binary tree 5) balanced binary tree 6) rooted complete binary tree

How do you convert image to binary format?

To convert image to binary, you just have to convert image to binary. Hope this helps.

Are binary tree and binary tree same?


Copy of binary tree?

Is another binary tree.

Is a full binary tree the same as a complete binary tree, or are there differences between the two structures?

A full binary tree is a type of binary tree where each node has either 0 or 2 children. A complete binary tree is a binary tree where all levels are fully filled except possibly for the last level, which is filled from left to right. So, a full binary tree can be a complete binary tree, but not all complete binary trees are full binary trees.

When converting binary tree into extended binary tree all the original nodes in binary tree are?

will remain same

Does binary tree and binary search tree same?

no they are not same

What will be the result of expression 13 and 25 whether 38 or 25 or 9 or 12?

convert 13 to binary its 01101 and then convert 25 to binary its 11001 and perform logical 'and' operation i.e. 01101 & 11001 ------------------- 01001 i.e. 9 so the correct answer is 9.

What are the application of binary tree in computer science?

What are the applications of Binary Tree.

What is meant by left skewed binary tree?

a binary tree with only left sub trees is called as left skewed binary tree