There are 5280 ft in a mile.
Thus dividing the number of ft. will give you the distance in miles.
Multiply 5,280 (the number of feet in a mile) by 3
Well there is 5,280 ft in a mile so multiply it by 6 If mi = 1 mile = 5280 ft then 5280 x 6 = 31,680 31,680 ft = 6 miles
Just take your original measurement and multiply it by the correct conversion factor. Make sure to keep the units you want to end up with in the denominator of the conversion factor. Example: Converting miles to feet (26.2 mi) x (5280 ft/1 mi) = 138336 ft. Converting feet to miles (138336 ft) x (1 mi/5280 ft) = 26.2 mi.
1.2 mi = 6,336 ft
9 mi = 47,520 ft
The formula to convert 21120 feet to miles 21,120 ft * 1 mi 5280 ft = 4 mi
Multiply 5,280 (the number of feet in a mile) by 3
Well there is 5,280 ft in a mile so multiply it by 6 If mi = 1 mile = 5280 ft then 5280 x 6 = 31,680 31,680 ft = 6 miles
(48 mi / hr) x (5,280 ft / mile) x (1 hr / 3,600 seconds) =(48 x 5,280 / 3,600) (mi - ft - hr / hr - mi - sec) =70.4 ft/sec
200 ft/min = 12,000 ft/hr / 5,280 ft/mi = approx. 2.27 mph.
Plug your numbers into this formula: feet divided by 5,280 = miles Algebraic Steps / Dimensional Analysis Formula 164 ft*1 mi 5280 ft=0.03106060606 mi
Just take your original measurement and multiply it by the correct conversion factor. Make sure to keep the units you want to end up with in the denominator of the conversion factor. Example: Converting miles to feet (26.2 mi) x (5280 ft/1 mi) = 138336 ft. Converting feet to miles (138336 ft) x (1 mi/5280 ft) = 26.2 mi.
8500 ft / 5280 ft/mi = 1.61 mi
60 mile/hour x 5280 ft/1 mi x 1hour/3600 seconds = 88 ft/second
100 mi = 528,000 ft
1.62 mi = 8,553.6 ft
1.2 mi = 6,336 ft