If there are x number of gallons per second, multiply that number by 60=gallons per minute.
Use this formula to convert gallons per minute to cubic feet per second:gallons per minute x 0.002228 = cubic feet per second. So; 500 x 0.002228 = about 1.114 cubic feet per second.
If their are 0.5 liters per second how many milliliters are in an hour
I gallon=4 quarts, 1h=3600 seconds 1 g/h*4Q/1g*1h/3600s=0.001111111 Q/s, essentially divide by 900 in other words 1Q/s=900 gallons/h
-- to convert the feet to inches, multiply by 12-- to convert the minute to second, divide by 60-- combining these operations, take (feet per minute) and multiply by (12/60) = 0.2
8 quarts per second.
If there are x number of gallons per second, multiply that number by 60=gallons per minute.
Use this formula to convert gallons per minute to cubic feet per second:gallons per minute x 0.002228 = cubic feet per second. So; 500 x 0.002228 = about 1.114 cubic feet per second.
2.5 US quarts per minute is 141.95 liters per hour.
If their are 0.5 liters per second how many milliliters are in an hour
Gallons per minute is the amount of gallons used or moved or saved for every minute of time that passes. If you wanted to calculate how many gallons were pumped through a water fountain every minute, you would measure this and divide the gallons by the minutes and get your "gallons per minute".
103,423.358 US gallons per minute.
0.25 US quarts per second equates to 37,800 gallons per week.
6,000 US gallons per minute = 13.37 cubic feet per second.
1 liter per second equates to 15.9 US gallons per minute.
you need to know the density of the material that is flowing. 1 liter per minute of water times 999 kg/cu. meter equals .017 kg/s water.
I gallon=4 quarts, 1h=3600 seconds 1 g/h*4Q/1g*1h/3600s=0.001111111 Q/s, essentially divide by 900 in other words 1Q/s=900 gallons/h