You do not. A centimetre is a measure of length or distance, whereas a square metre is a measure of area. The two measure different things and, according to the basic principles of dimensional analysis, conversion from one to the other is not valid.
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Multiply the 30 by 30.48 (cm per linear foot) and you get 914.4 cm. 914.4 squared is 836127.36 cm2. Divide that by 10,000 (cm2 per m2) and your answer is 83.612736 m2.
1 m2 = 1.196 y2 approx.
devide it
is 100 cm2 = .1 m2? 10cm x 10cm = 100 cm2...1 meter = 100 cm, 1cm =.01m, 10 cm=.1m .1m x.1 m=.01 m2... 100 cm2 x 1 m /100 cm x 1 m/100 cm= .01 m2, 100/100=1, 1/100=.01 cm2/cm=cm , cm/cm=1, leaves m2