multiply the denominator by the whole number, then add the numerator, the denominator is the same as the mixed numbers denominator
It's much easier to multiply fractions than it is to multiply mixed numbers. Try either one some time.
1 and 1/4
9 1/8
1111111010 = octal 1772
Whole numbers such as 92115 are not normally converted into mixed numbers
Whole numbers such as 92115 are not normally converted into mixed numbers
You first convert the numbers into top-heavy fractions, then solve like a normal fraction (e.g. LCD, then subtract).
It's much easier to multiply fractions than it is to multiply mixed numbers. Try either one some time.
To convert a .mix file to a .mp3 file, load your mix and select the option to Load or Save. Select Export Mix and choose the .MP3 file extension. Press the Save button.
You cannot convert even numbers to triangular numbers! There is no such relationship.
It converts numbers to Thai text. So if you wanted the number 6 in Thai, you can do something like this: =BAHTTEXT(6) It does not convert actual text and it does not convert numbers to English text.
You do nothing. They are already rational numbers.
There is no prefix.
7.79 = 779/100
1 and 1/4
9 1/8