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By using scientific notation which reduces the digits required in very large numbers but retains their original values.

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Q: How do you convert non-standard to standard form?
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What is a prefix for standard?

The prefix for standard is "non-" as in "nonstandard."

How do you convert standard form to factored form?

You can convert standard form to factored form by using a factoring tree to convert to the long-form factored format. You can also work backwards to convert from factored to standard form.

How do you convert 144785 into standard form?

That already is in standard form.

Is The vocabulary of Standard English is more limited than that of nonstandard English?

No, the vocabulary of Standard English is not more limited than that of nonstandard English. Standard English typically includes a wide range of vocabulary that is widely accepted and used in formal writing and speaking, while nonstandard English may have vocabulary specific to certain regions or social groups.

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Difference between standard and non-standard English?

Och, the wee bairn's greeting. That's English, but nonstandard. In standard English it's: Oh, the little baby is crying. How do people say it in your town?

Is Standard English more limited than nonstandard English?

Standard English is often viewed as more formal and restricted in its usage compared to nonstandard English varieties, which can be more flexible and dynamic. However, the perceived limitations of Standard English are mainly in terms of creativity and expressiveness, as it is still the preferred form of language for professional communication and formal writing. Nonstandard English, on the other hand, can vary widely depending on the region and social context in which it is used.

There are some instances where it is better to factor a polynomial without first putting it in standard form One example is a quadratic equation that in nonstandard form contains a perfect tr?

Square :)

How do you convert factored form to standard form?

You multiply the factors.

Is the word 'conversate' in the dictionary?

'Conversate' is not typically found in standard English dictionaries, as it is considered non-standard or informal. The correct term would be 'converse.'

How are standard and nonstandard measurement similar?

They are all measurements of some characteristic.