well, to convert a fraction as a percent divide the top number by the bottom number,then multiply the result by 100and add the percentage sign (%)
To convert a fraction to percent you first convert the fraction to a decimal. To do that we use the method of in/out. The numerator goes inside the division sign and the deniminator goes outside. This will give you a decimal of .71428. Now you can convert the decimal to a percent by moving the decimall to the right 2 places. So, the equivalent percent to 5/7 is 71%.
To convert a fraction (or number) to a percentage multiply by 100 % → 35 = 35 × 100 % = 3500 %
Convert the absolute value of the decimal to a fraction and then put a minus sign before it.
To convert a percent to a decimal, remove the % sign and divide by 100 or equivalently move the decimal point two places to the left. Example 12.5 % = .125
I guess you probably meant 17/25 for the fraction. To convert a fraction to percent, multiply by 100 and put on the % sign. 17/24 X 100% = 68%
The procedure is the same as for positive fractions. You just include the sign.
well, to convert a fraction as a percent divide the top number by the bottom number,then multiply the result by 100and add the percentage sign (%)
To convert a fraction to percent, divide the numerator (which also means top number) by the denominator (which also means bottom number). Example: To convert the fraction 3/4 to percent, divide 3 (top number) by 4 (bottom number) and the answer is.75. To convert to percent, move the decimal 2 steps to the right and insert the percent sign on the end: .75 = 75%
To convert 0.14 to a fraction, place the 14 over 100. You get 14/100. In simplest form it is 7/50. To change 0.14 to a percent, move the decimal two places to the right and add the % sign. It is 14%.
To convert a fraction to percent you first convert the fraction to a decimal. To do that we use the method of in/out. The numerator goes inside the division sign and the deniminator goes outside. This will give you a decimal of .71428. Now you can convert the decimal to a percent by moving the decimall to the right 2 places. So, the equivalent percent to 5/7 is 71%.
To convert a fraction (or number) to a percentage multiply by 100 % → 35 = 35 × 100 % = 3500 %
Convert the absolute value of the decimal to a fraction and then put a minus sign before it.
To convert a percent to a decimal, remove the % sign and divide by 100 or equivalently move the decimal point two places to the left. Example 12.5 % = .125
You make the denominator of the fraction into 100 and then take the numerator and put a percent sign next to it. Now you have a percent.
To change 2500 percent into a fraction, first note that 2500 percent is equivalent to the decimal 25.00. Then, convert the decimal 25.00 into a fraction by placing it over 100, since percentages are out of 100. Therefore, 2500 percent as a fraction is 25/100, which simplifies to 1/4.
To convert a fraction into percent, divide the top number (numerator) by the bottom number (denominator). eg. 5/8 = 5 ÷ 8 = .625 -or- Change your fraction to a decimal, and then move the decimal point over 2 spots to the right. Example: 1/4=.75=75%To change a fraction into a percent you have to divide the top of the fraction by the bottom, multiply by 100 and then add a % sign.