If I understand your question correctly, you are asking to convert 0.34939393939393... to a fraction.
= 0.34 + 0.0093939393... • separate the recurring and non-recurring parts
= 34/100 + (93/99 ÷ 100) • convert both parts to fractions
= 34/100 + 93/9900
= (34*99)/9900 + 93/9900 • convert fractions to common denominator
= (3366 + 93)/9900
= 3459/9900 • divide by common factor of 3
= 1153/3300, which is your final answer in simplified form
If that's not the decimal you were trying to convert, then follow a similar procedure for the number you need.
whwre is hsc mahashtra board exam centre bo 0349 at mumbai ?
G.s.p school at pant nagar ghatkopar (e)mumbai-400075
The phone number of the California Preservation is: 415-495-0349.
The phone number of the Birmingham Public - Wylam Branch is: 205-785-0349.
The phone number of the Great Falls Public Library is: 406-453-0349.
The address of the Drummond School And Community Library is: 124 First Street, Drummond, 59832 0349
The address of the Wayland Historical Society is: Po Box 349, Wayland, KY 41666-0349
The address of the Basketball Heritage Project Inc is: Po Box 349, Crawfordsville, IN 47933-0349
The address of the Barclay Public Library District is: 220 South Main Street, Warrensburg, 62573 0349
The center number will be available at your college or school. After that you can ask for the name of the center school and also the address of the school.
Oh, dude, 0349 isn't actually a country code. Like, country codes usually have a format like +1 for the US or +44 for the UK. So, yeah, you might want to double-check that number before trying to call it, unless you're trying to reach the land of imaginary phone numbers, then you're all set!
The phone number of the Great Falls Public Library Bookmobile is: 406-453-0349.