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Q: How do you count the 24 hours in a day military version?
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How long does it take to count a million dollars for eight hours a day at a rate of one dollar per second?

34.72 days

How can you convert 24 hours?

1440 minutes are in one day or 86,400 seconds are in one day or for military time for every hour past 12 add that amount to twelve like 3:00 P.M. its is 1500 hours...

How long does it take to count a billion dollars for eight hours a day at the rate of one dollar per second?

First, we must see how long it will take to count all one billion dollars. If each dollar is a second, then it will take 1,000,000,000 seconds. After doing this, we must find out how many minutes by dividing by 60. 1000000000/60=16666666.67 Once we know how many minutes it will take, we find the hours by dividing by 60 again. 16666666.67/60=277777.78 Assuming we can only count for eight hours a day, we can find out how many days it will take to finish counting by dividing the number of hours by 8. 277777.78/8=34722.22 You will finish counting on day 34,723, counting for 13 minutes and 20 seconds on the last day.

How long does it take to count to a million?

Naturally, that depends on how fast you can count. But if you can count from 1 to 100 in one minute, and you keep counting every minute, without stopping, for eight hours every day (taking time off to eat, sleep, and go to school), you would reach 1,000,000 in 20 days, 6 hours, and 40 minutes, or almost 3 weeks. If, however, you give up eating, sleeping, and school, and just count every minute of every hour of every day, you would reach 1,000,000 in 6 days, 22 hours, and 40 minutes, almost 1 week.

Who invented the minutes and hours?

The Babylonians and Egyptians were the first to break down the day into smaller periods. The modern version of time was first used by the Egyptians.

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How is twenty four used in life?

To count the hours in a day.

What is earth lengths of days?

About 12 hours if you don't count the night.

How many hours in jail does it take to count as 1 day in Texas?

In Texas, one day in jail typically equates to 24 hours of incarceration.

How long would it take to count a MILLION dollars 8 hours a day 1 dollar per second?

1 million seconds = 277.777778 hours At 8 hours per day = 34.72222225 days.

How long does it take to count to a hundred thousand?

1 day, 3 hours, 46 minutes and 40 seconds

If your fiance is in the military do you still have to wait 72 hours to marry after obtaining a marriage license?

no, if he is active military it gets waived, you get it that day, if he is reserved, i think you have to wait

Does target support the military?

The department store, Target, is a very big supporter of the military. In 2011, the store was a top military supporter.

How many hours difference is it from 230 AM to 2 AM the next day?

It is 23.5 hours (23 hours thirty minutes). From 2:30 AM one day to the next would be 24 hours. You can also do this using "military" time if you make each day 2400 hours, express 0200 the next day as the sum, and change the sum into hours and minutes before subtracting (this is the way computer programs do it, e.g. for military flight plan times). 02:00 + 24:00 = 46:00 = 45:60 45:60 - 02:30 = 23:30

Is military time the same as universal time?

No, military time and Universal Time (UTC) are not the same. Military time uses a 24-hour clock system where the day starts at midnight (0000 hours) and ends at midnight (2400 hours). UTC, on the other hand, is a time standard used as the basis for civil time worldwide and is not specific to the military.

How long does it take to count a million dollars for eight hours a day at a rate of one dollar per second?

34.72 days

What does 2245 hours mean?

'Military time' denotes a 24-hour day, so 2200 hours would be 10 p.m. and 2245 hours would designate 10:45 p.m.

I'm joining the nhs in high school. they asked me to write how many volunteer hours and leadership hours I got I did vice president for one semester which is 6 months how amny does that count?

about 4,416 hours in that amount of time, saying you did it for 24 hours a day. say like six hours a day for 5 days that would be around maybe 870 hours?