1 Chimo
2 Fibili
3 Fitatu
4 Fine
5 Fisanu
6 Mutanda
7 Chine Lubali
8 Chine Konse Konse
9 Pabula
10 Ikumi
ten thousand seconds
I can count to ten in French: Je peux compter jusqu'à dix en français.
count to ten
How To Count to ten in Maori 1 - tahi 2 - rua 3 - toru 4 - wha 5 - rima 6 - ono 7 - whitu 8 - waru 9 - iwa 10 - tekau
Do that in German, and you'll be clearly understood by any Yiddish speaker.
manje is "nomba" in bemba
E. Hoch has written: 'Bemba-English English-Bemba Dictionary (Hippocrene Concise Dictionary)' 'Bemba pocket dictionary' -- subject(s): Dictionaries, Bemba language, English language, Bemba, English
"Good" in Bemba can be translated as "bwino."
A bemba is a type of folk drum used in Trinidad and Tobago.
Jeannot Bemba Saolona died in 2009.
Jeannot Bemba Saolona was born in 1941.
Matthieu Bemba was born on 1988-03-03.
Welcome Home in Bemba is "Akushika".
In Bemba, "Good morning" is said as "Mwashibukeni".
To say goodbye in Bemba, you can say "Mwapalanya" or "Shawama."
It takes exactly ten seconds to count to ten in ten seconds.
Mulenga Kapwepwe has written: 'Omens' -- subject(s): Bemba (African people), Omens, Religion 'Some Bemba names and their meanings' -- subject(s): Bemba, Bemba language, Etymology, Names, Personal Names