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Cut away what you don't want.

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Q: How do you cut out stencils and leave islands bridges ties and strips so it will be in one piece?
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When did Leave It to Chance happen?

Leave It to Chance happened in 1996.

Why did King James leave out chapters of the bible?

He didn't leave any chapters out. All the MSS he had was complete. If you think he did leave some out, which are they?

What does 'lassula stari' mean in Sicilian?

"Leave her alone", "Let her be". "Lassula" literally means"leave her" (you'd say "lassulo" if you wanted to say "leave him"). "Stari" is the infinitive of the verb "to stay".

What 2 numbers don't belong 67 72 82 95 77 53 97 and 87?

This is an extremely poor question. There are 28 pairs of numbers and, in less than 10 minutes, I could find reasons why 17 pair were different from the other numbers in the set. A bit more time and I am sure I could do the rest. So here they are: 53 and 72: leave a remainder of 15 when divided by 19. 53 and 77: leave a remainder of 5 when divided by 12. 53 and 82: leave a remainder of 24 when divided by 29. 53 and 87: leave a remainder of 2 when divided by 17. 53 and 95: leave a remainder of 11 when divided by 21. 53 and 97: leave a remainder of 9 when divided by 11. 67 and 95: leave a remainder of 11 when divided by 28. 67 and 87: leave a remainder of 7 when divided by 17. 67 and 97: leave a remainder of 7 when divided by 30. 72 and 82: leave a remainder of 0 when divided by 2 (are even). 72 and 87: leave a remainder of 0 when divided by 3 (multiples of 3). 72 and 95: leave a remainder of 3 when divided by 23. 72 and 97: leave a remainder of 22 when divided by 25. 77 and 95: leave a remainder of 5 when divided by 9. 77 and 97: leave a remainder of 17 when divided by 20. 82 and 95: leave a remainder of 4 when divided by 13. 87 and 95: leave a remainder of 7 when divided by 8.

What if your restaurant bill is 767.76 and you want to leave a 18 percent tip. how much would you leave?


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You leave Crest White Strips on for 30 minutes for twice a day.

Can you leave Biore strips on over night?

Haha you can, but it might not be pleasant in the morning!

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no, it even shows it on the commercial

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Over population on their islands.

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Sorry misspelling - what size of an earthquake would destroy thirty foot bridges and leave half foot cracks in the earth?

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Lars Anderson Soldiers field rd Tobin

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its not to leave on the high way

Can guinea pigs eator yellow peppers?

Yup. As long as there's no seeds and you cut them into strips. You can leave the peel on

What happens if you have crest 3D white strips on all day?

Not a Halloween question but I'll answer, same as if you leave it on for the allotted time.

Why on Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep xehanort turns into riku on destiny islands?

I think the reason why is because Xehanort was the first one to leave Destiny Islands, and Riku was going to be like him and leave as well...?

How do you leave the islands in Pokemon FireRed that have the three legendary birds on them?

leave the way you came, or use dig/escape ropes