the numerator is the top number and the denominator is the bottom number
The numerator is the top number; the denominator is the bottom number.
The numerator must be an even number and the denominator is half of the numerator.
6x is the numerator 9z is the denominator The numerator is the number on the top of the fraction and the denominator in the number on the bottom of the fraction.
If you wish to multiply a fraction (numerator and denominator) by a number, you multiply the numerator by the number and leave the denominator as it was. For example, 2/3 * 4 = 8/3
The top number is the numerator. It tells you how many of the bottom number, denominator, you have.
the numerator is the top number and the denominator is the bottom number
The numerator is on top
The mean of a single number is itself. So the mean of a numerator will be the numerator.
Yes , the top number is the numerator the bottom number is the denominator.
The numerator is the top number; the denominator is the bottom number.
Yes - the number 1 is the numerator of the fraction, and the number 2 is the denominator.
the numerator is the number on top and the number on the bottom is the denominator.
The numerator is the number on the top of the line and the denominator is the number on the bottom
The numerator in a fraction is above the line.
The numerator must be an even number and the denominator is half of the numerator.
It is the denominator and the top number is the numerator