State what the variable represents in the equation.
Declaration is a promise: 'I will define (or has defined) this variable/function somewhere else'.
int x; "Example"
Can't really say. X is a variable and untill you define that variable, it can't be answered.
Any variable can be declared as the independent variable, then the other would be the dependent variable. However, it is quite common to arbitrarily define y as the dependent variable - a variable that depends on x.
They define a variable by saying n equals some value.
State what the variable represents in the equation.
yes we can define a variable in an interface in java.
Pointer is a variable, A variable that stores the address of another variable. Size of a pointer is 2 bytes.
Declaration is a promise: 'I will define (or has defined) this variable/function somewhere else'.
-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
Operational definition
condition that changes in response to the manipulated variable in an experiment.
That depends on the rules that define the random variable.
its the colour of the fixed and the variable we define it by its power and name
int x; "Example"