You multiply the number by the required fraction. For example, to find 3/4 of 76calculate 76*(3/4) = 57
If a number can be expressed as a fraction then it is a rational number
If it can't be expressed as a fraction then it is an irrational number
if the fraction's numerator and denominator cant be divided by any number remembber both numerator and denominator must be divided by the same number
-- First, find the line in the middle of the fraction. -- Then look under the line. The number you find down there is the denominator.
There is no whole number in a fraction. A fraction is a little number on top and another little number on the bottom. The numerator is the little number on top.
If a number can be expressed as a fraction then it is a rational number
If it can be expressed as a fraction then it is rational if not then it is irrational
If it can't be expressed as a fraction then it is an irrational number
if the fraction's numerator and denominator cant be divided by any number remembber both numerator and denominator must be divided by the same number
-- First, find the line in the middle of the fraction. -- Then look under the line. The number you find down there is the denominator.
The number below the fraction bar in a fraction is the denominator. The number above the fraction bar is the numerator.
5.009 as a fraction is 5 9/1000 I'm here with a simple explanation: Any number before the decimal point is a whole number. So 5 is the whole number in the fraction. Now to determine 0.009 as a fraction, 9 is the numerator. Count the decimal point as 1, count 009 as zeros; 000. This automatically makes 1000 the denominator.
A number can be called either a mixed number or a mixed fraction when it is a whole number with a fraction.
Probability = number of times an event is expected to happen / number of opportunities for an event to happen It can be expressed as a percentage or a fraction.
Probability = number of times an event is expected to happen / number of opportunities for an event to happen It can be expressed as a percentage or a fraction.
There is no whole number in a fraction. A fraction is a little number on top and another little number on the bottom. The numerator is the little number on top.
A mixed number (or fraction).