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You work out the problem yourself and see if you get the same answer.

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Q: How do you determine accurate and precise information about quantity?
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to determine accurate and precise information about a quantity

Is millimeter precise than decimeter?

Millimetres would allow for more precision than decimetre. If you can measure a smaller quantity, this always allows you to be more precise and accurate.

Can a number be accurate but not precise?

no only if it is precise it is accurate

How is an estimated quantity different from an actual quantity?

A quantity is how much of somethere is, and a estimate is a complete or educated guess. If you know the actual quantity, then it isn't a guess. So i guess the difference is one is a guess and one is not.

What is the approximate calculation of a quantity or degree or worth?

An approximation is an estimated value or rough calculation that is close to the actual quantity or degree. It is a quick and rough way to determine an answer without precise measurements.

To determine the extent quantity or dimensions?

You can determine the extent, quantity, or dimensions of something by measuring or assessing it using appropriate tools or methods. This may involve using scales, rulers, calculators, or other instruments to obtain precise measurements or data. Additionally, analysis and comparison of the collected information can help you draw conclusions about the extent or size of the object or phenomenon in question.

What is Precise Value?

Precise value refers to an exact measurement or quantity without any ambiguity or rounding. It provides an accurate representation of the value being measured, ensuring that calculations or comparisons are as accurate as possible. This is often important in fields such as science, engineering, and finance where precision is essential.

How do you determine a quantity in a situation?

To determine a quantity in a situation, you need to identify the units or objects being counted, establish a method for measuring or estimating the quantity, and apply appropriate mathematical operations if needed. This process may involve counting, measuring, comparing, or calculating the quantities involved to arrive at a precise figure.

Is All information on a line graph is as precise as the information in the data table?

the answer is no some times the information on the line graph is not as accurate as the info on the data table.

Are 76.48 cm 76.47 cm and 76.59 accurate or precise?

These numbers are precise, as they are all close together. If any one of these are accurate, then this group of numbers can be considered precise and accurate.

Does the word precise means careless?

precise means accurate

What measurement is more precise and accurate?

What determines how precise a measurement is