You would have to know what kind of figure you are talking about. For the same perimeter, you can have a different surface area, depending on whether you have a circle, a square, different kinds of rectangles, etc.
Measure perimeter (feet or meters) Divide number by 4 The square of this number is the total Sq. Feet's or meters Charles P
The perimeter of a rhombus does not provide enough information to determine angles.
Based on the given information, there is no way to determine the perimeter.
Perimeter and area are not sufficient to determine the shape of a figure.
multiply the width by 2 and then subtract that to the perimeter then divide the answer by 2 to get the length
If the perimeter of a square is 132.25 feet, the area is: 0.0251836547 acres.
Need more information. See discussion page.
Assuming a square acreage by US survey, about 16,697 feet.
You determine the perimeter of an object by adding up the lengths of all sides.
Area of a circle = pi*radius2 <><><><> If yo REALLY meant acreage, and not area, once you determine the area in sq. ft using the above formula, divide your answer by 43,560. There are 43,560 sq. ft in one acre.
The perimeter of a rectangle is not sufficient to determine its length.
Measure perimeter (feet or meters) Divide number by 4 The square of this number is the total Sq. Feet's or meters Charles P
The perimeter of a rhombus does not provide enough information to determine angles.
Based on the given information, there is no way to determine the perimeter.
Perimeter and area are not sufficient to determine the shape of a figure.
Subtract two times the length from the perimeter and cut that answer in half.
Two measures of a triangle are not sufficient to determine its shape and therefore its perimeter.