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Q: How do you determine positive leg of a transitor?
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What is the positive leg of an LED?

The longest leg is the positive leg of any LED.

How can you identify a negative leg on a LED?

the negative leg is shorter than the positive leg.

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Co-inventor of the transitor?

Bardeen, Brattain, Shockley.

What are the three terminals of transitor?

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What type of material is a transitor made from?

germanium or silicon crystal

Is the leg positive or negative?

I'm not sure what you are asking. Could you please provide more context or clarify your question?

How do you tell the difference between positive and negative on a led?

The longer leg of an LED is typically the positive (+) terminal, while the shorter leg is the negative (-) terminal. Additionally, the positive leg usually has a flat edge or a notch near it as a visual indicator.

What are the 2 ways to find out which is the positive leg and which is negative - led?

On an LED, one leg will be shorter than the other. The shorter leg is the negative polarity.

Which leg does current emit from in a LED?

Current flows from the anode (positive terminal) to the cathode (negative terminal) in a LED. The longer leg of the LED indicates the positive anode side, while the shorter leg represents the negative cathode side.

What is the longer leg called on a led light?

The longer leg on a LED light is called the anode. It is usually the positive terminal and is marked with a longer leg or a "+" symbol.