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By seeing which line goes through the circle all the way.

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Q: How do you determine the diameter of an object?
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Why can a chord be a diameter?

because the chord can be determine by the diameter and the diameter can be determine by the chord.

The - of an object depends on the diameter of the object and the distance to the object?

apparent diameter

How do you determine the radius if you only have the diameter?

to determine the radius if you only have the diameter, you divided the diameter by 2. then there you have it ! you have the radius !

What is the function of screw gauge?

to cheak the diameter of something

Formula to determine speed and diameter?

The formula to determine speed is speed = distance / time. To determine the diameter of a circle, the formula is diameter = 2 x radius.

What is Nominal diameter and Outside Diameter?

nominal diameter is the original diameter of an object

What is diameter?

The diameter is the height: the tip to the toe of an object.

Which is longera radius or diameter?

The diameter by definition because a diameter of a given object is twice its radius.

What do you use to determine how long an object is?

You can use a ruler to determine how long a object is

How many linear feet are in 157 diameter?

To find the linear feet in a given diameter, you need to know the circumference (or perimeter) of the object. The formula to calculate the circumference is circumference = π × diameter. Without the circumference, it is not possible to determine the linear feet.

How can you determine the wool fiber diameter?

Probably, you can measure the diameter of a wool fibre and get the answer you want.

What is the effect on the projectile motion when the diameter of the object is changed?

Changing the diameter of the object in projectile motion affects the air resistance acting on the object. A larger diameter increases air resistance, leading to a shorter horizontal range and lower velocity. Conversely, a smaller diameter reduces air resistance, allowing the object to travel farther and faster.