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There are several possible measures of a hexagon.A measure could be the length of a side. In that case, if it is regular or equilateral you can measure its side length; if not you need to measure each side.

A measure could be its area, in which case you would need to calculate it - form its side lengths and, in not regular, the angles.

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Q: How do you determine the size of a hexagon?
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How much can fit in a hexagon?

The answer depends on the size of the hexagon.

How big is a hexagon?

A hexagon can be any size as long as it is a shape with 6 sides.

How many triangles can fit in a hexagon?

The answer depends on the size of the triangles relative to the size of the hexagon. flippant answer: infinite answer you are probably looking for: 6

Is an octagon or a hexagon larger?

An octagon has 8 sides whereas an hexagon has 6 sides

How do you work out size of hexagon?

The answer depends on what you mean by size: its area (more likely) or perimeter. In either case, the answer depends on what information you have about the hexagon: whether it is regular, irregular but convex, or concave.

A square whose sides measures ten centimeter can it fit in a regular hexagon?

Yes.. depending on the size of the hexagon's sides

What is the size of each interior angle on a hexagon?

120 degrees

What are the size of exterior angles of hexagon?

Providing that it is a regular 6 sided hexagon then each exterior angle measures 60 degrees

How can you show that all sides and angles of a hexagon are congruent without using a ruler or a protractor?

You can do that by simply proving that the hexagon is a regular hexagon. You could do this by dividing the hexagon into 6 equilateral triangles of the same size successfully that tesselate to form a hexagon, thus proving that all sides are equal.

How many inches is a hexagon?

The term hexagon means a six sided regular polygon; it is a shape, not a size. It can be any number of inches you like.

How many angles is in a hexgon?

there are six angles in a hexagon. In a regular hexagon (all of the angles are the same size) they each measure 120 degrees

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