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check valence electron

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Q: How do you determine the type of hybridization of the central atom by relating it to the molecular geometry?
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What is the meaning of geodesic?

of or relating to the geometry of geodesics (mathematics)

What does molcular mean?

Molecular means relating to molecules.

Why minerals have geometry shapes?

The minerals, surprisingly, are ofor relating to geometry, or according to its methods, and are c haracterized by or decorated with regular lines and shapes.

How can you learn the most about geometry?

You can learn more of it by putting geometry in your daily life. Relating it with you own thing, where can you see geometric shapes right now?

What is geometric mean?

It can either mean relating to geometry or being characterized with regular lines and shapes, so nothing irregular in shape.

What does the word geometric mean?

In mathematics, is a type of mean or average.

What is the definition of geometric?

Geometric means (1) "relating to geometry" or (2) "having simple geometric forms such as circles and squares in design or decoration."

What is the purpose of Euclidean geometry?

The purpose of Euclidean Geometry is to understand plane (2-D) and solid (3-D) geometry with the understanding that things are "flat". Around 300BC Euclid organized the current knowledge of geometry in a series called the "13 elements" . Euclid was a famous Greek mathematician. The Greeks considered geometry to be its pride and joy. They were the first to ask important questions beginning with "How and Why". Their main goals were to spread their knowledge of Geometry and answer the question relating to the purpose of Geometry. The answer, the purpose of Geometry is to understand the purpose or existence of life (mankind) itself. Geometry is not just about shapes and things that have been created by mankind. Geometry is in nature and even exists in the things we cannot see. "Geo" means Earth and "metry" comes from the word meaning measurement. So, rightfully so geometry mean the measurement of earth. I will leave you with a famous pun- Without geometry, life is pointless. ---

What is molecular model?

A molecular model is a representation of a molecule's structure that helps visualize its shape and chemical properties. These models can be physical (such as 3D printed models) or virtual (computer-generated images) and are used in chemistry and biology to study molecular interactions and reactions.

What does Algebraic mean?

Algebra is a branch of mathematics concerning the study of structures, relation and quantity. Together with geometry, analysis, combinatorics and number theory, Algebra is one of the main branches of mathematics.

The purpose of the lemon test is to?

...determine the legal extent that government can involve itself in issues relating to religion.

Trace the history of geometry or tell something about the development of geometry?

The Development of Analytic Geometry Overview The fundamental idea of analytic geometry, the representation of curved lines by algebraic equations relating two variables, was developed in the seventeenth century by two French scholars, Pierre de Fermat and René Descartes. Their invention followed the modernization of algebra and algebraic notation by François Viète and provided the essential framework for the calculus of Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz. The calculus, in turn, would become an indispensable mathematical tool in the development of physics, astronomy, and engineering over the next two centuries.