To determine if any number is prime, one method is to check if it can be divided by any of the prime numbers less than its square root. The square root of 100 is 10 and the square root of 1000 is approximately 31.6, so any 3 digit number (100 to 999) needs to be tested for divisibility only with the prime numbers 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, and 31. Another test is that any number ending in 0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 cannot be prime.
997 is the last 3 digit prime number
There are 17 such numbers.
smallest 3-digit prime is 101. 100 is not a prime number (very obviously)
101 is the first three-digit prime number.
The largest three digit prime number whose digits are all primes is 773.
The first 'three digit' Prime Number is 101.
The smallest three digit prime number is 101.
997 is the last 3 digit prime number
There are 17 such numbers.
smallest 3-digit prime is 101. 100 is not a prime number (very obviously)
101 is the first three-digit prime number.
The largest three digit prime number whose digits are all primes is 773.
9 isn't prime, but one three-digit multiple of 18 is 108.
No prime number can be divided by 4 exactly.