There are several ways. My preference with terminating decimals, is to carry out the division using the divisor without a decimal point. Then if the divisor had n digits after the decimal point, it is to move the decimal point in the quotient n places to the left.
So, to calculate 18/4.32,
first find 18/432 = 0.0416... with the 6 repeating
4.32 has two digits after the decimal point so move the decimal point two digits to the left to give the final answer as 4.16 with the 6 repeating.
Devide the numerator by the denominator and move the decimal 2 places to the right.
14/5 turned into a decimal will be 2.8 To find out the decimals of a fraction, take the top number and devide it by the bottom number.
You can multiply the number by the percent after converting the percent to a decimal. To convert the percent to a decimal, move the decimal place over 2 places to the left. For example 50% is .5 since 50 is 50. and we move it to the left two places is .5
Type in the top number then press the devide button then type the bottom number, press equals then take note of the decimal given. repeat this for the fraction you wish to compare it to and which ever gives the highest decimal will be the larger fraction.
Devide the numerator by the denominator and move the decimal 2 places to the right.
1/14 as a percentage devide 1 by 14 = .07142857142 multiply by 100 = 7.142857142 Round to one decimal 7.1 %
14/5 turned into a decimal will be 2.8 To find out the decimals of a fraction, take the top number and devide it by the bottom number.
You can multiply the number by the percent after converting the percent to a decimal. To convert the percent to a decimal, move the decimal place over 2 places to the left. For example 50% is .5 since 50 is 50. and we move it to the left two places is .5
Type in the top number then press the devide button then type the bottom number, press equals then take note of the decimal given. repeat this for the fraction you wish to compare it to and which ever gives the highest decimal will be the larger fraction.
devide it
Yes 12 is an even number because you can devide it by 2 equally without a decimal. Ex. 12/2= 6
you cannot devide by zero
devide it