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Q: How do you distribute the 12 dots in a pentagon?
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How do you connect 12 dots using 5 straight lines and ending where you started?

distribute the 12 dots around the perimeter of a pentagon

What can you use for a 12 sided pentagon?

A pentagon, by definition, has 5 sides - not 12.A pentagon, by definition, has 5 sides - not 12.A pentagon, by definition, has 5 sides - not 12.A pentagon, by definition, has 5 sides - not 12.

Name of a 12 sided pentagon?

A pentagon would have 5 sides. If it had 12 sides it would not be a pentagon. Maybe you mean a dodecahedron with 12 sides. I don't know what you would call that.

How do you make 10 dots on 5 lines with only 4 dots?

a star drawn with five lines will give you 10 dots on 5 lines with only 4 dots on each line. (or) simply draw a pentagon and put a cap ( a inverted 'V') on all sides.

What has 12 sides?


What is the name of a 12 sided pentagon?

Dodecagon. A pentagon has five sides, a polygon with 12 sides is a dodecagon. A dodecahedron has 12 regular facets.

Name of a more than 12 sided pentagon?

A pentagon can have only five sides (the prefix penta means five). A pentagon with more than 12 sides cannot exist.

What is the name of the shape that has 12 pentagon?


What is a pentagon with 12 sides?

not posssible, a pentagon specifically means a shape with 5 sides. penta = 5.

The apothem of a regular pentagon is 10.8 centimeters. What is the length of a side of the pentagon?

regular pentagon area of 12 000 m2 and an apothem of 40 m regular pentagon area of 12 000 m2 and an apothem of 40 m need to figure it out from area 12000 m2

Can a pentagon have 5 different length sides?

Yes. simply put three separate dots of ink in a random pattern on a piece of paper and then connect them in any sequence you like... eventually you'll have a pentagon. You will NOT have a REGULAR pentagon or a pentagram. Penta means five Gon means angles... Firstmate

What is a 3-D pentagon called?

A 3D pentagon could be called a pentagon prism or a dodecahedron which is a Platonic solid with 12 pentagonal faces.