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Q: How do you divid a negative integer with a positive integer and vice versa?
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Does a positive integer multiplied by a negative integer equal a negative integer?

All negative integers, when multiplied by a positive integer, or vice versa, will result in a negative integer. I. E. 5*-5=-25

Is the opposite of an integer an integer?

yes. the opposite of a positive integer is the same except negative and vice versa ( ex: the opposite integer of -6 is 6. if you multiply them, it equals zero)

When you mutiply a positive number by a negative one what is the sign of the answer?

The answer will ALWAYS be negative positive x negative=negative and vice versa positive x positive= positive

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Why is that negative number multiplied by a positive number a negative number?

Because that is the rule. negative * negative=positve positive *negative=negative and vice versa

What do you get when you divide a positive and negative number?

A positive number divided by a negative number, or vice versa, will give you a negative number.

When you are finding the product of multiple numbers how can determine if the product will be positive or negative?

A positive times a positive equals a positive, a negative times a negative equals a positive, a negative times a positive equals a negative(vice versa for the last one)

Negative plus negative equals?

It depends on the absolute value of the numbers. If negative is greater, then the answer will certainly be negative and vice-versa.

What is true about the number of positive and negative charges in a charged object?

A charged object can have an unequal number of positive and negative charges, resulting in a net charge. An object with more positive charges than negative charges will have a positive net charge, and vice versa for negative charges.

What type of numbers result when a positive number is divided by a negative number and vice versa?

A negative number - in either case.

What type of number results when a positive number is divided by a negative number and vice versa?

In both cases, the quotient is negative.

What type of number results when a negative is multiplied by a positive number and vice versa?

the number is always negative in both cases