Yes, 0.02 * 0.02 has the same product as 0.2 * 0.002. (They both equal .0004). .2 = .02 * 10, and .002 = .02 / 10, so .2 * .002 = .02 * 10 * .02 / 10 = .02 * .02 * (10 / 10) = .02 * .02
8.002 x 10^6 km
002 has no fraction. 0.02 is 1/50 0.2 is 1/5
No... .002 is less than .5 .002 < .5
2.115 x 10^-3 x 4.05 x 10^-5 = 8.56575 x 10^-8
You divide by 10.You divide by 10.You divide by 10.You divide by 10.
Yes, 0.02 * 0.02 has the same product as 0.2 * 0.002. (They both equal .0004). .2 = .02 * 10, and .002 = .02 / 10, so .2 * .002 = .02 * 10 * .02 / 10 = .02 * .02 * (10 / 10) = .02 * .02
002 < 020 Drop the prefix zeroes'. Hence 2 < 20
There are infinitely many number greater than 10. For example, 10.000......001, 10.000......002,
10, -000, 500, 002
8.002 x 10^6 km
To fax to Canada from Taiwan you would need to dial: 002-1-fax number (10 digits) 002 is to dial internationally from Taiwan 1 is the international country code for Canada (and the USA).
002 has no fraction. 0.02 is 1/50 0.2 is 1/5
No... .002 is less than .5 .002 < .5
2.115 x 10^-3 x 4.05 x 10^-5 = 8.56575 x 10^-8