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MASH them, make chips (fries).

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Q: How do you divide 11 potatoes evenly between 4 boys?
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What are the release dates for Couch Potatoes - 1989 Brady Boys vs- The Monkees?

Couch Potatoes - 1989 Brady Boys vs- The Monkees was released on: USA: 21 February 1989

There are 22 boys who want to play baseball there will be 2 teams how many boys will play on each team?

Well, let's see. If you divide the players evenly their will be 11 players on each team. However, only 9 players on each team can be in the lineup at any one time.

If there are 48 students. And there are twice as many girls as boys how many boys are there?

All you do is divide 48 by 3. that gives you 16. that makes 32 girls and 16 boys

How many boys died on September 11?

If by "boys" you mean children, then three boys died that day. Two 11 year old boys were on the flight that crashed into the Pentagon and a 3 year old boy was on the plane that crashed into the south tower of the WTC. If you just mean males in general, then there were too many to count. About 2, 976 people were killed, and it was probably fairly evenly split between men and women.

What is a healthy meal for girls and boys?

Carbs-potatoes or pasta etc, veges, protein- Chicken and iron- Meat.

What do boys' sacks look like?

Take two potatoes and a plastic bag. Put the two potatoes in each ends of the bag. But imagine it a skin color and shrunk down. That is what a sack looks like.

Mrs.Loyer made a list of the students in the science club there were 3 boys for every 2 girls in the club if there were 24 boys how many students were signed up for the science club?

well.. its actuallly... you have to divide the numvwr of boys by three and multiply by two. Thera are twnty four boys, divide by 3 (8), multiply by 2 (16) 16 (girls) plus 24 (boys) equaks 40

Was there a difference between Mayan boys and girls?

The same difference between boys and girls everywhere.

What is the present perfect state of dig?

Present perfect is formed with - have/has +past participle.The past participle of dig is dug. So present perfect for dig is have/has dug.They have dug the potatoes. The boys have dug the potatoes.He has dug the potatoes. The farmer has dug the potatoes.

Do all boys have big testes?

The size will differ between boys.

In a class there are 18 boys and 7 girls What fraction of the class are girls?

Divide the number of girls by the total number of children (boys + girls).

In Mrs Smith's math class there are 21 boys and 6 girls what is the ratio of boys to girls in simplest form?

The ration of girls to boys is 21:6To simplify this divide both numbers by 3 = 7:2