6 divide 274 in long div = 0.021897810218978103
5.25 times if u use a calculator
divide both by 2 6/126 = 3/63 divide both by 3 3/63 = 1/21
Divide each number by their GCF, which is 18. 108/126 = 6/7
As a fraction 6/192 is equivalent to 1/32 and as a decimal it is 0.03125
A dividend is the number that you divide in a division problem. 6/3 = 2 Dividend : 6
6=2x3 18=2x3x3 14=2x7 So LCM is 2x3x3x7 (because you can divide this number by 6, 18 and 14) = 126
Using long division 360 divided by 6 is 60