divide by 100
To find out how many times 4 goes into 272, you would divide 272 by 4. The result is 68, which means that 4 goes into 272 68 times without any remainder. This can be calculated by dividing 272 by 4 using long division or a calculator.
64/1200 = 0.05333...
The answer is $68 because u divide 272 by 4 and u get 64 dollars for ur answer.
divide by 100
To find out how many times 4 goes into 272, you would divide 272 by 4. The result is 68, which means that 4 goes into 272 68 times without any remainder. This can be calculated by dividing 272 by 4 using long division or a calculator.
All of these numbers divide into 64 evenly: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64.
64/1200 = 0.05333...
Divide 64 by 3
The largest number that will divide evenly into 64 with no remainder is 64.