You divide decimals like you normally would divide two numbers. Just make sure your decimals get in the right spot and your good! :)
Yes - if you do an integer division, you get no remainder. If you divide with a calculator, you get a whole number - no decimals.
You divide the integer by the decimal.
4/5 in a decimal
If you are asking does 6 divide into 52 evenly, the answer is no. If you are open to uneven answers, see below. Remainders: 8 r4 Decimals: 8.6667.
7 divide by 782 = 0.008951406649616368
Videos for "How To Divide Decimals" ?
You divide decimals like you normally would divide two numbers. Just make sure your decimals get in the right spot and your good! :)
89 divide by 5 without decimals = 17.8
for example if you have 3/5 you have to divide 3 by 5 and your answer would be .6
Yes - if you do an integer division, you get no remainder. If you divide with a calculator, you get a whole number - no decimals.
You divide the integer by the decimal.
15.8/0.8 22.57
4/5 in a decimal
No, to convert percents to decimals, divide by 100, so 6% would equal 0.06 in decimal form.