if you divide 31/35 it = 88.57 which the percentage is 89%
To divide by a percentage, multiply the dividend by 100 and divide by the percentage value. For example,37 / 15% = 37 * 100 / 15
Divide the percentage by 100 and then simplify if required.
you divide the number that is the percentage out of the whole. For example 7 is what percentage of 14? You divide 7/14 = .5 or 50%
to convert percentage to decimal, divide the percentage by 100for example, 50%= 50/100 = 0.510.7% = 10.7/100 = .107just divide by 100
If you divide 15/16 it = 93.75 which then the percentage is 94%
if you divide 31/35 it = 88.57 which the percentage is 89%
To divide by a percentage, multiply the dividend by 100 and divide by the percentage value. For example,37 / 15% = 37 * 100 / 15
If you divide 4/7 it = 57.14 so your percentage is 57% that's an F
Divide the percentage by 100 and that is the value.
To solve percentage problems, you take what you got then divide by the total amount and you'll get a percentage. E.g If you got 10 out of 37 what is your percentage? You do 10 divide by 37 which is about 27%.
Divide a decimal by 0.01 to get an equivalent percentage.
Divide the percentage by 100 and then simplify if required.
Divide the percentage by 100. For instance, 25% = 25 divided by 100 = 0.25 If it's a percentage *of* something, divide the percentage by 100 as above, and then multiply the answer by the amount. For instance, 25% of £30 is found by: 25 divided by 100 = 0.25 0.25 x 30 = 7.50
you divide the number that is the percentage out of the whole. For example 7 is what percentage of 14? You divide 7/14 = .5 or 50%
to convert percentage to decimal, divide the percentage by 100for example, 50%= 50/100 = 0.510.7% = 10.7/100 = .107just divide by 100
You multiply the percentage by 120, and divide the result by 100.